Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Daily Spelling

We spell every day.  Today we started with short a,  3-letter words (cvc).  This is a sample of what the work should look like.  It is set up to be practiced by word families (words with the same ending or rime).  I am sending this paper home tomorrow.  I tell the students that it is good to review the list of word families that we generate.  They can review these lists for spelling to aid in their writing and also for reading.  Reading and writing are reciprocal processes.  On Fridays, students will be given a spelling test with words selected through the curriculum.  The goal is for each child to be able to spell by sounding out the word, breaking it up into its parts, and representing those sounds with letters and letter patterns.  When this skill is mastered it transfers into the students' writing.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Teacher's Viewpoint

Coming soon to the boards at the back of the room:  student work and assessment data.