Saturday, October 1, 2011

Good Problem Solving

The curriculum mentioned that often a character will have a problem and the story shows how it was resolved.  In the anthology, The Rope Tug, in the format of a play, gave students a fun way to consider Rat's problem and how he cleverly tricked Hippo and Elephant into giving up their space in the hut.

We also used another story, Mrs. Morgan's Lawn, to work on mapping out the problem and solution.  When you come to parent conferences, you can see this work on the wall.  The kids loved the story and asked me to read it again.  It is written by the author who wrote Where, Oh, Where is my Underwear, Barney Saltzberg.  I showed the students where Mr. Saltzberg signed my copy of the book and drew a picture of Mrs. Morgan.  Fun stuff.  

The problem was that Mrs. Morgan kept collecting any ball that fell upon her immaculate lawn, including the boy's brand new purple and white soccer ball.  After we learned how the boy resolved this problem, we talked about whether or not Mrs. Morgan was really as mean as the boy thought she was at the beginning of the story.  After the first reading, many students still felt she was a mean person.  After a couple of readings and talking about what makes people act in unkind ways, many students believed she was not so mean after all.   Being kind to those who are unkind changes everything--a beautiful solution.

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