During the week we took benchmark tests, so no new material was introduced. One activity we completed helped us review graphing by using the process to answer a question. We set it up like a very simplified science project. We decided to find out what flavor of ice cream was the class favorite. The children recorded their hypothesis or best guess. Then, we collected our data, came up with the results and drew our conclusion. It turns out that the class favored chocolate ice cream. I thought for sure it was going to be lime. The great thing about science is that you don't have to be right. You just need to ask questions.
We continued our work on the animal kingdom with amphibians. This study of animals falls under science standards and is also a continuation of work started with theme six of the reading curriculum. I like to stress the environment or habitat of the animals, because it works into reading and story elements.
One of my favorite books is a book on frogs and toads. We use it to create a Venn diagram. Then, we write sentences using the word "but" to show what is different between frogs and toads. We use the word "both" to show what is the same. Understanding those similarities and differences help the students relate to the delightful stories of Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel. In the picture below you will see a collection of these books and work:
We also read a fun book by Ellen Stoll Walsh entitled Hop, Jump. The illustrations are enough to spark any imagination, and the story is a an excellent way to reinforce the idea of respect for the rights and opinions of others (a social studies standard). After reading and discussing the story, the students created book reports including the title and author of the story and a retelling using the words first next, then, and finally.
There is one last item. It also deals with animals and habitats. We were able to finish our project on camels as mammals in the desert:
This coming week we are back to the regular routine and will be finishing theme 7, We Can Do It. There will be new high frequency words and word patterns. Stories from the curriculum include Grasshopper and Ant and If You Give a Pig a Pancake. I will continue some testing and will soon be ready to complete report cards due out the first week of March.
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